Subomi Raheem Okoya (born April 30, 2002) is a prominent Nigerian celebrity and singer known professionally as...
Tribe Mark is a young and rapidly emerging American artist who has gained significant recognition for his...
Jo Yu Ri (born October 22, 2001) is a renowned South Korean actress and singer who rose...
Hawa Hunt is -year-old celebrated Sierra Leonean activist, singer, songwriter, and social media personality who has made...
Ayomide Mafoluku Ayodele (born April 20, 2006) is a gifted and a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter...
Awosika Olayemi Josiah (born in 1997), professionally known as Fido, is one of Nigeria’s fast-rising musical talents....
Folarin Odunlami, professionally known as FOLA or Folapondis, is a Nigerian music sensation whose meteoric rise has...
Chloe Elizabeth Bailey, born on July 1, 1998, is a talented American singer, songwriter, actress, and record...
Gloria Bugie (Age: years old) is a prominent and fast-rising Ugandan music artist who has gained widespread...
Okeowo Oladotun Alani (born in 1996) is a renowned Nigerian singer-songwriter and performer known professionally as DOTTi...